Help translate

If you speak a language different than English, you can help translate the user interface of Task Coach in your language. Even if you have limited time available you can help by translating a few strings.

Help translate

Help write the manual

A user manual is under development in a Wiki. Unfortunately, the manual is far from being completed. However, since this is a community effort, you can help too.

Browse manual

Help develop

If you know how to program, you can learn Python. If you know Python, you can help develop! And we are looking for developers, so don't hesitate to jump in.

Developer info


Donations for the development of Task Coach are very much appreciated. Please donate what you feel Task Coach is worth to you, but any amount is fine.

Flattr us

Flattr is a mechanism for making social micropayments. In plain English, you can donate us (and other people that create stuff you like for free) a small amount of money really easy.

Spread the word

Help us spread the word. Talk about Task Coach with your family, friends and colleagues. Tweet about Task Coach, +1 us, you know the drill.