Browse FAQ

Browse the frequently asked questions to see whether your question has been answered before.

Please do not ask questions on the mailinglist or submit support requests before you have browsed the FAQ. Thanks!

Join the mailinglist

A Yahoo!Groups mailing list is available for discussing Task Coach.

You can browse the archive of messages without subscribing to the mailing list.

The mailing list is also available as newsgroup on Gmane.

Join mailinglist

User manual

A user manual is under development in a Wiki. Unfortunately, the manual is far from being completed. However, since this is a community effort, you can help too.

Browse manual

Request support

Submit a support request on Sourceforge. Be sure to explain your issue with as much detail as you can. Mention the version of Task Coach you are using, the operating system you are using and what exactly your issue is.

Request support

Report a bug

Submit a bug report on Sourceforge. Be sure to explain the bug with as much detail as you can. Mention the version of Task Coach you are using, the operating system you are using and how to trigger the bug.

Report a bug